NTI Carriers Protect
Introducing Carriers Protect, NTI’s new carrier’s cargo insurance product.
Carriers Protect has been designed specifically to meet the unique needs of Australian transport operators.
Don’t risk a general product for your transport customers – rely on NTI, the transport insurance specialists.

Key features of Carriers Protect Policy:
- Choice of three cover options: Accidental Damage; Insured Perils; and Carrier’s Cargo Legal Liability.
- Accidental Damage provides comprehensive cover for all freight types with no unusual gaps/restrictions.
- Variable Consequential Loss limits of $100,000, $250,000 or $500,000 to give your client the flexibility to select the level of cover that meets their needs.
- Accidental Damage cover provides benefits that include legal costs, mustering and agistment of livestock and subject to the client operating under acceptable standard trading conditions, Carrier’s Cargo Liability for no charge.

Benefits of insuring with us:
Carrier’s cargo cover that has been designed for Australian transport operators through a deep understanding of the transport industry.
- Dedicated local contacts for Carriers Protect sales, underwriting and claims service with expert knowledge of the transport industry.
- Available on Sunrise and iClose as both a standalone product and as part of NTI Transport Package.
- Access to the award-winning NTI Accident Assist service to manage the accident scene and clean up.
- Peace of mind – In the event of an accident, combining NTI’s Motor and Carriers Protect covers requires only one call to one insurer to manage the claim.
To find out more, click here.